Monday, November 15

Blockbuster Express Free Rental Code - Monday Only

Blockbuster Express is much like Redbox, however I've recently been able to find more free codes for Blockbuster Express than Redbox.  Another cool thing is you can enter your free code when you reserve your movie online.  With Redbox, you can only use a free code when you are standing at the kiosk.  The free code for today - Nov 15, 2010 is
You should be able to use this code once for each credit/debit card you have.  So if you want to rent additional movies, use the code with a different card.  Sorry, there aren't as many Blockbuster Express kiosks as there are Redbox, but if there's one near you, it's worth getting a free rental.  I also find that Blockbuster Express will carry new releases before Redbox stocks them.  Just visit to get started!

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