I had a recent Product Request for an Elliptical. I did some research on ellipticals and according to Consumer Report, any elliptical under $2,000 is not worth purchasing. However, that is a bit steep for a first time buyer and I assume for the individual making this request. I found that if it is your first time purchasing an elliptical you will probably want to start with a more basic model.
I am going to start by giving you a few things you will want to consider when purchasing an elliptical:
1. What is your budget? There is a huge price range from $150 to $5,000+. Only spend what you can afford.
2. Where will you be using it? If you have a tiny space to place the elliptical trainer in, you won’t be able to buy a large commercial unit, even if you can afford it.
3. How will you be using it? Normal use would be considered using it up to 30 minutes per day for 2 people, every day of the week. Past this, you should step up 1 level in quality for every 30 minutes per day extra that it will be used.
4. What is your Weight? The weight of the users makes a difference in how the elliptical trainer will operate. Many ellipticals will start to have vibration problems, increased noise, and balance issues when user weight goes much over 200 lbs.
These are just a few things to keep in mind when purchasing an elliptical. I found a great buyer resource at the treadmill doctor.
Based on reviews and cost for the requester, I would recommend: Golds Gym Crosstrainer 480 or the Golds Gym Sapcesaver
Both models are a solid buy for a beginner and they are available through Walmart which makes them economical. However, the lesser Gold Gym models do not score so well on quality so I wouldn't choose a lesser model. Also, a standard elliptical trainer warranty is lifetime on the frame, 3 years on parts, and 1 year on labor. This means that most people won’t need an extended warranty.
This is not an item that has very many discounts available. Walmart probably has the best retail price.
The Crosstrainer 480 retails at Walmart for $397
For an even better deal I would recommend checking the classifieds where you could find these models for about half the price or an even better model for a similar price.
For example there is a good quality NordicTrack on KSL for $175. But, you do need to be extra careful when buying used to inspect and try out the equipment. There are no guarantees. You may be able to find an item that has been barely used at a great value.
I would recommend looking at KSL ads and then cross referencing the make and model at the Treadmill doctor to check the ratings and retail price of the elliptical.
If anyone has any further information to add on ellipticals, please add your comments. Let me know if you know of a great deal.
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